Wilson Aarhus Symposium 2019

In the context of the Wilson Aarhus Symposium from May 9th to 12th 2019 and the associated workshop session on Recommendations for clinical trials in Wilson disease, Ralf-Dieter Hilgers gave a talk on potential study designs in orphan disease.

Nicole Heussen has been offered a W2 professorship at University of Rostock

After being offered a professorship in biostatistics at Sigmund Freud University Vienna in 2015, Nicole Heussen was offered a W2 professorship at the University of Rostock in November 2019.

Two doctoral prizes are awarded to Diane Uschner

At the 9th “Aachener Medizinerball”, which took place on 25th May 2019, Diane Uschner was awarded the Doctoral Prize of the Medical Faculty of the RWTH Aachen University sponsored by the company Grünenthal GmbH.

In addition, Diane Uschner was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Prize of RWTH Aachen University for her outstanding academic achievements at a graduation ceremony in December 2019.

The Friedrich Wilhem Award is presented by the foundation of the same name, which was founded in 1865 by the predecessor of the current AachenerMünchener holding company. The key aim of the award is to promote research and teaching, as well as support students and scientists at RWTH University. Every year, this prize is awarded to Master and PhD graduates for outstanding academic achievements.

Diane Uschner defended her PhD Thesis

Diane Uschner has successfully defended her PhD Thesis “The assessment of bias in randomized controlled clinical trials” on October 29, 2018.

2018 ISoP Award to Dr. Anne-Gaëlle Dosne

Dr. Anne-Gaëlle Dosne received the 2018 Technical Manuscript Award from International Society of Pharmacometrics for her IDeAL publication

Dosne AG, Bergstrand M, Karlsson MO. “An automated sampling importance resampling procedure for estimating parameter uncertainty.” J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2017 Dec;44(6):509-520.

The award will be presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Ninth American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP9) in San Diego, CA, on the evening of Sunday, October 7th, 2018. The award is an important way to recognize outstanding contributions by our members to the field of pharmacometrics.