Entries by Admin DiNi

2018 ISoP Award to Dr. Anne-Gaëlle Dosne

Dr. Anne-Gaëlle Dosne received the 2018 Technical Manuscript Award from International Society of Pharmacometrics for her IDeAL publication Dosne AG, Bergstrand M, Karlsson MO. “An automated sampling importance resampling procedure for estimating parameter uncertainty.” J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2017 Dec;44(6):509-520. The award will be presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Ninth American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP9) […]

Top scoring poster at ECRD 2018

The poster “Lessons learned from IDeAl — 33 Recommendations from the IDeAl-Net” presented by Ralf-Dieter Hilgers at the 9th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products, 10-12 May 2018 was assessed as one of the top scoring posters chosen by the poster committee.

Revised version of Lessons learned from IDeAl

A revised version of the article “Lessons learned from IDeAl – 33 recommendations from the IDeAl-net about design and analysis of small population clinical trials” will be published in the near future. The revised version will include updated refences.

IDeAl at ECRD 2018

Ralf-Dieter Hilgers presents a poster entitled “Lessons learned from IDeAl — 33 Recommendations from the IDeAl-Net” about design and analysis of small population clinical trials at the 9th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products, 10-12 May 2018