IDeAl Annual Meeting 2015 in Leuven was a great success

The IDeAl Annual Meeting 2015 in Leuven, Belgium, was a great success. The senior researchers and PhD students of the IDeAl project coordinated by Ralf-Dieter Hilgers met with the EAB members for a two-day meeting in order to discuss their recent advances. In their talks, the EAB members Segolène Aymé and Ralf Herold addressed the projects impact on the rare disease community, particularly its influence on the regulators perspective. The subsequent discussion stimulated further close cooperation of IDeAl with EMA and IRDiRC.

The Pre-Meeting workshop was packed with two half-day courses from very distinguished researchers: Professor Chris Jennison of University of Bath (EAB) offered valuable insight on group sequential trials, followed by Professor Molenberghs of Universiteit Hasselt (WP 10) who shared his expertise on Mixed Models and Missing Data.

During the Young Scientist Meeting, the PhD students had the opportunity to learn from the EAB members about a  future career in research.

Even the coffee breaks were used by the researchers to have fruitful discussions about their recent work, resulting in numerous proposition to further intensifying their collaboration.